A big thank you to Leora over at Here in HP for bestowing upon me and several worthy colleagues - SuperRaizy, JugglingFrogs, Baila and Hadassah -- the all-new Late-Night Mommy Blogger Award. (Now I guess I'll have to stop saying I've never won anything except that one $5 lottery ticket, back in 1987). Thanks, Leora!
As always, keep the balance,
A well-deserved award.
Yeah, I can relate to the not winning much... (what did I win before this blog business--oh, I did once win an award for a website!). May I suggest you send the award to a couple of other people (you can "snip" the image off my blog with a right click) so they can win something, too. No pressure. Just a way to spread the good will!
Mazel tov! I never win anything... not even $5 lottery tickets..
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